
Building the documentation locally

  1. Install tox

    $ pip install tox
  2. Use tox

    $ tox -e docs
  3. Load HTML documentation in a web browser of your choice:

    $ browser docs/_build/html/index.html

Running tests

  1. Install tox

    $ pip install tox
  2. Use tox

    $ tox

Getting involved

The terrarium project welcomes help in any of the following ways:

  • Making pull requests on github for code, tests and documentation.
  • Participating on open issues and pull requests, reviewing changes

Pull Request Checklist

To have the best chance at an immediate merge, your pull request should have:

  • A passing Travis-CI build. If it fails, check the console output for reasons why.
  • New unit tests for new features or bug fixes.
  • New documentation in docs for any new features. You do want people to know how to use your new stuff, right?

Release process

  1. Update CHANGELOG.
  2. Bump the version number in on master.
  3. Tag the version.
  4. Generate source and wheel distributions: python sdist bdist_wheel
  5. Upload to PyPI: twine upload dist/*